Research Steps
#1 - OPEN
Invitation to inquiry, open minds, and think about the assignment that your teacher just presented to your class.
Video to help motivate you as you begin your research on the URL to VIEW the video. - Assignment Survival Guide
I am not sure what I am interested in researching yet.
I am taking time to explore and learn about all the possible topics I can choose from.
Video to help guide you as you start exploring on the URL to VIEW the video. - Mapping Your Research Ideas
Web Tools to help you learn about your on the title to OPEN the weblink. - Online news website that presents a variety of current news topics. - Smithsonian website that let you explore all different topics. - Online news website that presents a variety of current news topics. - Google news website that presents a variety of current news topics. - Website to explore on the different things you may wonder about. - This website provides step-by-step instruction on how to do all different things. - Free online encyclopedia to research any topic. - Looking for a controversial topic, this website presents the pros and cons of all different topics.
I am narrowing the topics that interests me that I might want to research more in depth.
I am looking to see if some of these topics are good topics that have enough information that I can research.
Video to help you brainstorm on the URL to VIEW the video. - Six Creative Ways to Brainstorm Ideas.
Web Tools to help you brainstorm on the title to OPEN the weblink. - This is an easy to use mind mapping website to easily brainstorm new ideas. - Express your ideas and thoughts on this virtual wall from any device on the web.
I know what topic I am interested in researching.
I am working on a set of questions to help guide my research.
Video to help guide you as you identify a good research on the URL to VIEW the video. - Developing a Good Research Question - How to Choose a Good Research Topic
Documents to help you identify what you know/don't on the title to OPEN the document.
KWHLAQ Chart - This chart will help you identify and organize what you know about your research topic. What is it that you know? What do you want to learn? What questions will help guide your search?
Documents to help you pause and on the title to OPEN the document.
Reflection Journal - This is a reflection journal to help you evaluate your progress throughout your research process. Complete Research Reflection - Part 1.
I have a clear idea of what I need to research.
I have a clear set of questions that will help guide my research.
I know what resources are available to help me and how to use those resources productively.
I know how to evaluate websites and choose appropriate websites to support my research.
I will document and organize the information that I learn during this research phase.
Video to help guide you as you begin your on the URL to VIEW the video. - How to Google like a pro.Learn the top 10 techniques search for information on Google. - What is the CRAAP Test? This is a quick overview to help you understand how to evaulate websites you may come across during your research. - How to use EBSCO Explora Database to find information. - How to search for a book in our library using Destiny Discover Catalog.
Documents to help you gather information during your on the title to OPEN the document.
CRAAP Website Evaluation Test - Not all websites are quality websites. Use this to help evaluate the websites you will use to gather information for your research.
Research Graphic Organizer - Use this research graphic organizer to organize your information as you research your topic.
Documents to help you pause and on the title to OPEN the document.
Reflection Journal - This is a reflection journal to help you evaluate your progress throughout your research process. Complete Research Reflection - Part 2.
Web Tools to help you start researching information for your on the title to OPEN the weblink.
Search Engines
AI Search Engines
Academic Databases
EBSCO Online Databases (Please contact KAMS Librarian for Username and Password)
I'm ready to compile all the information that I learned in my research.
I will begin to plan and create my final product to present my newly learned ideas and information in an organized presentation.
Documents to help you organize the new information you've learned to plan your on the title to OPEN the document or clik on the URL to view the video.
General Presentation Guide - This will help guide you as you begin planning your final presentation to share the information you learned during your research. - 5 website with FREE Templates - 3 presentation tools you can use to create your final presentation
Documents to help you pause and on the title to OPEN the document.
Reflection Journal - This is a reflection journal to help you evaluate your progress throughout your research process. Complete Preparing For Your Presentation Reflection.
#7 - SHARE
I'm ready to share what I learned with the class and beyond.
Video to help you plan your on the URL to VIEW the video. - Examples of Good and Bad Presentation Public Speaking Tips. - How to Give a Great Presentation
Time to reflect on what I learned, what I would do differently next time, or what other topics I would like to research further.
Video to help you evaluate and on the URL to VIEW the video. - Quick video on why reflection is important for students.
Documents to help you pause and on the title to OPEN the document.
Reflection Journal - This is a reflection journal to help you evaluate your progress throughout your research process. Complete Post Presentation Reflection.